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Click the button below to add the Special Offer - All 9 of the Kundalini & Chakra Activation Programs + 30 Solfeggio Programs + 9 Psychic Development Programs + all 34 Audio Crystal Therapy Downloads + all 19 Manifestation Package Downloads + The 12 Levels of Meditation Series to your wish list.

Special Offer - All 9 of the Kundalini & Chakra Activation Programs + 30 Solfeggio Programs + 9 Psychic Development Programs + all 34 Audio Crystal Therapy Downloads + all 19 Manifestation Package Downloads + The 12 Levels of Meditation Series

  • All 9 of the Kundalini & Chakra Activation Programs + 30 Solfeggio Programs + 9 Psychic Development Programs + all 34 Audio Crystal Therapy Downloads + all 19 Manifestation Package Downloads + The 12 Levels of Meditation Series

Product Description

The Full Chakra & Kundalini Series !

9 Chakra & Kundalini Music downloads designed to heal, balance and energize the chakras and to stimulate kundalini safely. No meditation experience necessary. No headphones required. This is a plug and play system that can be used whatever else you are doing 

This Offer is Only Guaranteed for Right Now . . . Once You Leave This Page, it is Gone Forever!

The full series of Chakra & Kundalini musical compositions are availableto ensure the brainwave and chakra energy patterns are tuned to exactly the right frequencies.  The way the music works makes sure this happens very quickly.  The chakra will then start to resonate in harmony with the dominant frequency in the brain.  This stimulation will clear any blockages in that particular chakra allowing energy to flow more easily through the energy pathways.  This attunes and energizes the chakra in a natural way.  Each time you listen to the specific chakra vibration within the music - that chakra is stimulated and strengthened.


So How Does These Products Work ? What makes them Absolutely Unique ?

Each Chakra has an associated vibration. These vibrations correspond to specific frequencies produced by the brain. We have incorporated each chakra vibration into a 70 minute blissful musical composition. 

The method of incorporation combines several techniques, including: brainwave entrainment using binaural beats, brainwave entrainment using isochronic beats and frequency following techniques

This unique combination of techniques absolutely ensures the brainwave and chakra energy patterns are tuned to exactly the right frequencies.  The way the music works makes sure this happens very quickly.  The chakra will then start to resonate in harmony with the dominant frequency in the brain.  This stimulation will clear any blockages in that particular chakra allowing energy to flow more easily through the energy pathways.  This attunes and energizes the chakra in a natural way.  Each time you listen to the specific chakra vibration within the music - that chakra is stimulated and strengthened.

Each piece of music is 70 minutes in length After 10 minutes the frequencies change within the music and we set up a new dominant electrical frequency in the brain.  This stimulates the next chakra in the same way as the first.  You will not hear the music change as the frequencies are fully integrated into each note and sound of the music.  We repeat this process for all 7 chakras; working, in sequence, from root to crown. 

You can use the chakra frequency music set whilst you are doing other things (reading, studying, working out, watching TV, sleeping, etc) because the chakras are indirectly stimulated by frequencies in the beta (normal alert and awake state) range - so there is no need for quietness or meditative states to get the best out of this product.  Unlike many other binaural beat products the beats or frequencies are not simply embedded or masked by the music.  The binaural harmonics are themselves incorporated into each note of the musical composition.  This is an original and innovative approach which ensures maximum effectiveness.

The isochronic component works alongside the binaural beats which means that you can listen to the chakra music anywhere; you do not need headphones to get the benefits.

This music is ideal to use personally, during therapies or with groups, especially if you run a yoga or meditation group.

Beware: This Could Be The ONLY Time

You See This Offer!


First, take a look at the products you'll be able to download in this package 

   #1 - Full  Chakra Suite

 This 70 minute musical suite will stimulate and tune each chakra in sequence

chakraYou can use the chakra frequency music set whilst you are doing other things (reading, studying, working out, watching TV, sleeping, etc) because the chakras are indirectly stimulated by frequencies in the beta (normal alert and awake state) range - so there is no need for quietness or meditative states to get the best out of this product.  Unlike many other binaural beat products the beats or frequencies are not simply embedded or masked by the music.  The binaural harmonics are themselves incorporated into each note of the musical composition.  This is an original and innovative approach which ensures maximum effectiveness.

All 9 of the Chakra & Kundalini compositions in one download 



  #2 - Full Kundalini Suite

This 70 minute musical suite will stimulate the kundalini safely

kundaliniWhen the Kundalini is awakened, the qualities of the Chakras start manifesting spontaneously and express themselves in our life.  Thus, through regular use of this program, we become automatically very dynamic, creative, confident and at the same time very humble, loving and compassionate.  It is a process which starts to develop by itself when the Kundalini rises and starts to nourish our chakras.

The Kundalini Awakener uses a different musical composition. This is one piece of music that lasts 70 minutes.  The same Chakra frequencies are incorporated into the music in the same 10 minute sequences. An eighth frequency is used to directly stimulate the Kundalini energy. This is the only musical composition where you will find the eighth (Kundalini) frequency. 

All 9 of the Chakra & Kundalini compositions in one download 



  #3 - Root Chakra Suite

This 70 minute musical suite will stimulate the root chakra

root chakraThe Root Chakra is essential after loss or trauma.  It can improve motivation after a single use and will revitalise you whole body.  

All 9 of the Chakra & Kundalini compositions in one download 



  #4 - Sacral Chakra Suite

This 70 minute musical suite will stimulate the sacral chakra

SacralThe Sacral Chakra can improve sex drive after a single use.  Will improve impotence after longer use. Thought to increase sperm count with extensive use.  Will revitalise and rejuvenate your sexual organs. 

All 9 of the Chakra & Kundalini compositions in one download 



  #5 - Solar Plexus Chakra Suite

This 70 minute musical suite will stimulate the solar plexus chakra

Solar PlexusThe Solar Plexus Chakra can improve self worth and self-confidence with regular use.  Will bring increased success through improved attitudes.

All 9 of the Chakra & Kundalini compositions in one download  



  #6 - Heart Chakra Suite

This 70 minute musical suite will stimulate the heart chakra

heart chakraThis Chakra will increase your natural charisma.  It is essential for individuals who find it difficult to find love.  It will massively increase your ability to communicate using your body.


All 9 of the Chakra & Kundalini compositions in one download 



  #7 - Throat Chakra Suite

 This 70 minute musical suite will stimulate the throat chakra

Throat ChakraThe Throat Chakra will increase your creative ability with regular use.  It is essential for individuals who speak or sing for a living.  It will greatly increase your ability to communicate using your voice. 

All 9 of the Chakra & Kundalini compositions in one download 


  #8 - Third Eye Chakra Suite

 This 70 minute musical suite will stimulate the third eye chakra

Third Eye ChakraThis Chakra will increase your intuitive and perceptive ability with regular use.  It will allow you to perceive things before others and create an advantage.  It will increase your ability to use your will to influence an outcome.  It can help develop extra sensory perception.

All 9 of the Chakra & Kundalini compositions in one download 

  #9 - Crown Chakra Suite

 This 70 minute musical suite will stimulate the crown chakra

Crown ChakraThe Crown Chakra will increase your understanding of the cosmos with regular use.  It will help give an understanding of life's purpose.  It can show the ultimate pleasure - Samadhi.  

All 9 of the Chakra & Kundalini compositions in one download  




That's right, you get everything you see here . . . everything you need to turn your life into anything you want it to be.


The Total Chakra & Kundalini Music package would normally sell for over $150


But if you take advantage of this today, you won't pay anywhere near that.  You can get all 9 products for the amazing price of $17!


That's less than $2 per download!  




But Remember . . . You Won't See This Special Offer Again!


This is a One Time Offer - that means once you leave this page, you won't see this offer again.  


To secure your copy of this package simply click on the button below.  




Why Not Add The Full Solfeggio Music Series for $10 more 

30 Sensational Solfeggio Music downloads designed to give a sense of peace, relieve physical and mental pain, enhance cognition, resolve fear and guilt, make positive changes, repair damaged DNA, heal relationships, develop intuition and 6th sense - and achieve spiritual enlightenment and connection to the spirit world

This Offer is Only Guaranteed for Right Now . . . Once You Leave This Page, it is Gone Forever!

Tthe full series of Solfeggio Music downloads can also help you to develop better relationships, enhanced cognition , better health, more artistic ability, more happiness increased psychic ability and increased spirituality 


So How Does These Products Work ? Why are they so different to all the other Solfeggio Music  products on the market ?

A sensational series of musical composition based on ancient mathematical scales and legendary frequencies...

The Solfeggio Sounds frequencies were often used in Gregorian Chants.  The special tone of the chants imparted enormous spiritual blessing when sung and heard. 

The six original Solfeggio frequencies and 4 additional solfeggio frequencies have been analysed by physicists and musicians.  All agree that they constitute a uniquely interrelated series of mathematically derived electromagnetic sound frequencies. They do not correlate directly with any conventional notes within known musical scales.  This has led some to suggest that the Solfeggio Sounds are derived from the mystical "Music of the Spheres" and is the basis of the legend of the "Lost Chord".

All ten Solfeggio frequencies have specific healing associations as they interact with the vibrational energies of the human body. Some theorists have considered the possibility that these electromagnetic frequencies are involved in the alchemical process of transmutation.

We have encoded the Solfeggio musical pieces with additional brainwave entrainment. You can choose between alpha, theta or delta entrainment (for a full explanation of the different levels of brainwave entrainment please click brainwave entrainment). The brainwave entrainment is achieved using the binaural effect. To get the maximum benefit from using binaural sound and the Solfeggio frequency you will need to use headphones or stereo speakers close to each ear. If you do not want to take advantage of the binaural brainwave entrainment you can listen to the music in the normal way and get the full benefit of the Solfeggio frequency.

Beware: This Could Be The ONLY Time

You See This Offer!


First, take a look at the products you'll be able to download in this package . . .

  Solfeggio #1 - Frequency  174Hz

 These Solfeggio sounds can be used in any situation where you need to relieve both physical and mental pain. This frequency can be used to soothe the internal organs

174HzThese wonderful pieces of music are based on the Solfeggio 174 Hz frequency.  Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment.   Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment.  These Solfeggio sounds can be used in any situation where you need to relieve both physical and mental pain.  This frequency can be used to soothe the internal organs.  They can be used as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations.  There are no hidden subliminals or vocal guidance.

All 3 of the Solfeggio 174 Hz compositions in one download - including the alpha, theta and delta entrainment.



  Solfeggio #2 - Frequency  285Hz

These Solfeggio sounds can be used for enhanced cognition and the expansion of consciousness

285HzThese wonderful pieces of music are based on the Solfeggio 285 Hz frequency.  Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment.   Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment. These Solfeggio sounds can be used for enhanced cognition and the expansion of consciousness.
They can be used as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations.  There are no hidden subliminals or vocal guidance.

All 3 of the Solfeggio 285 Hz compositions in one download - including the alpha, theta and delta entrainment.



  Solfeggio #3 - Frequency 396Hz

These Solfeggio sounds can be used in any situation where you need to resolve  fear or guilt

396HzThese wonderful pieces of music are based on the Solfeggio 396 Hz frequency.  Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment.  These Solfeggio sounds can be used in any situation where you need to resolve  fear or guilt. They can be used as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations.  There are no hidden subliminals or vocal guidance.

All 3 of the Solfeggio 396 Hz compositions in one download - including the alpha, theta and delta entrainment.



  Solfeggio #4 - Frequency 417Hz

These Solfeggio sounds can be used to make any positive change in your life

417HzThese wonderful pieces of music are based on the Solfeggio 417 Hz frequency.  Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment.  The pieces can be used to make any positive change in your life.  They can be played as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations.  There are no hidden subliminals or vocal guidance.

All 3 of the Solfeggio 417 Hz compositions in one download - including the alpha, theta and delta entrainment.



  Solfeggio #5 - Frequency 528Hz

This frequency has been used by geneticists to repair damaged DNA. 

528HzThese wonderful pieces of music are based on the Solfeggio 528 Hz frequency.  Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment.  They can be used as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations. There are no hidden subliminals or vocal guidance.  The note name "Mi" is said to derive from the Latin word miragestorum or 'miracle'.  The frequency has been used by geneticists to repair damaged DNA.

All 3 of the Solfeggio 528 Hz compositions in one download - including the alpha, theta and delta entrainment.



  Solfeggio #6 - Frequency 639Hz

These Solfeggio sounds can be used to develop and heal relationships

639HzThese wonderful pieces of music are based on the Solfeggio 639 Hz frequency.  Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment.  They can be used as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations.

There are no hidden subliminals or vocal guidance.  They can be used to develop and heal relationships.

All 3 of the Solfeggio 639 Hz compositions in one download - including the alpha, theta and delta entrainment.



  Solfeggio #7 - Frequency 741Hz

 These Solfeggio sounds can be used at a psychic level to develop intuition and sixth sense 

741HzThese wonderful pieces of music are based on the Solfeggio 741 Hz frequency. Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment. They can be used as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations. There are no hidden subliminals or vocal guidance. They can be used at a psychic level to develop intuition and sixth sense.

All 3 of the Solfeggio 741 Hz compositions in one download - including the alpha, theta and delta entrainment.




  Solfeggio #8 - Frequency 852Hz

 These Solfeggio sounds can be used to facilitate spiritual enlightenment and growth.

852HzThese wonderful pieces of music are based on the Solfeggio 852 Hz frequency.  Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment.  They can be used as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations.  There are no hidden subliminals or vocal guidance.  They can be used to facilitate spiritual enlightenment and growth.

All 3 of the Solfeggio 852 Hz compositions in one download - including the alpha, theta and delta entrainment.



  Solfeggio #9 - Frequency 963Hz

 These Solfeggio sounds can be used to help connect  to the light and pure spirit.  It will help connect to the spirit world and encourages a feeling of oneness.

963HzThese wonderful pieces of music are based on the Solfeggio 963 Hz frequency.  Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment.   Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment.  These Solfeggio sounds can be used to help connect to the light and pure spirit.  It will help connect to the spirit world and encourages a feeling of oneness.

They can be used as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations.  There are no hidden subliminals or vocal guidance.

All 3 of the Solfeggio 963 Hz compositions in one download - including the alpha, theta and delta entrainment.





  Solfeggio #10 - Frequency 1074Hz

 These Solfeggio sounds can be used to help create a deep sense of peace and balance. It will help to soothe the pressure of materialism. 

1074HzThese wonderful pieces of music are based on the Solfeggio 1074 Hz frequency.  Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment.   Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment. These Solfeggio sounds can be used to help create a deeps sense of peace and balance. It will help to soothe the pressure of materialism. They can be used as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations.  There are no hidden subliminals or vocal guidance.

All 3 of the Solfeggio 1074 Hz compositions in one download - including the alpha, theta and delta entrainment.



That's right, you get everything you see here . . . everything you need to turn your life into anything you want it to be.


This Solfeggio package would normally sell for $99.95


But if you take advantage of this offer today, you won't pay anywhere near that.  You can get all 30 products for an extra $10






Why Not Add The Full Psychic Development Series for an extra $10

9 Psychic Development Programs designed to develop your psychic abilities and much more. No prior experience necessary. 

This Offer is Only Guaranteed for Right Now . . . Once You Leave This Page, it is Gone Forever!


Take a look at the products you'll be able to download in this package 

   #1 - Full  Mind Sync Psychic Development  Program

 This program will stimulate the brain to develop natural psychic ability

chakraThe Become Psychic program incorporates 3 levels of brainwave entrainment which guarantees that your brain frequency is locked in to the correct level.

Everybody has the power to be psychic. Some people have more ability to tune in than others. Now you can tune in automatically. Develop psychic skills quickly and safely.                                

Established psychics and clairvoyants can improve their abilities.




  #2 - Full  Mind Sync Clairvoyance  Program

This program will stimulate the brain to develop natural clairvoyant ability


The Precognition program incorporates 3 levels of brainwave entrainment which guarantees that your brain frequency is locked in to the correct level.

This is an amazing breakthrough in brainwave research.  Using carefully researched low Theta combination harmonics your sixth sense can be significantly enhanced. The harmonic is particularly potent in developing Clairvoyance and clairaudient ability. Over time your ability to sense the extraordinary for yourself and others will be greatly enhanced.

We all have the ability to be Clairvoyant and Clairaudient 

If you could have your own natural clairvoyant and clairaudient ability enhanced scientifically... would you do it?  What possibilities would it give you?

This is an amazing breakthrough in brainwave research.  Using carefully researched low Theta combination harmonics your sixth sense can be significantly enhanced.

The harmonic is particularly potent in developing Clairvoyance and clairaudient ability. Over time your ability to sense the extraordinary for yourself and others will be greatly enhanced.



  #3 - Isochiral Spirit Guide Program

This 60 minute downloadable Spirit Guide Music Suite will help yo to build awareness and encourage communication with your spirit guide or guides

root chakraAccurately calibrated music synthesis software has been used to create the exact isochronic beat frequencies required to allow contact with your spirit guide. 

Certain harmonic frequencies allow the brain to enter a deep theta and delta state. When properly calibrated and controlled, they cause the exact meditational state that helps your Spirit Guide to communicate with you.



  #4 - Numerology Training Manual

35  Page Numerology Training Manual

numerologyChapter 2: Numerology Basics Chapter 3: Where Did Numerology Come From? Chapter 4: Your Birth (or Destiny) Number Chapter 5: Name (or Expression) Number Chapter 6: Breaking Down the Expression Number Further Chapter 7: Does Your Love Life Add Up? Chapter 8: What Is A Diet Of Number Vibrations Chapter 9: Possible Connection With Bones in the Human Spinal Column Wrapping Up The Astrology of Numerology 



  #5 - Astrology  Training Manual

40  Page Astrology Training Manual

AstrologyChapter 1:Astrology Basics, Chapter 2: The History of Astrology Chapter 3: Zodiac Signs Basics
Chapter 4:Zodiac Sign Houses Basics  Chapter 5:
Characteristics of Different Zodiac Signs
Chapter 6: Characteristics of Different Zodiac Sign Houses Chapter 7:Tools Used in Astrology Chapter 8:Astrology in Folk Talks Chapter 9: Variations Per Region Chapter 10:What the Critics and Proponents Have to Say



  #6 - Solfeggio Frequency 741

These Solfeggio sounds can be used at a psychic level to develop intuition and sixth sense 

heart chakraThese wonderful pieces of music are based on the Solfeggio 741 Hz frequency. Each piece lasts for 60 minutes and can be played in any environment. They can be used as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations. There are no hidden subliminals or vocal guidance. They can be used at a psychic level to develop intuition and sixth sense.

All 3 of the Solfeggio 741 Hz compositions in one download - including the alpha, theta and delta entrainment.




  #7 - Manifestation of Psychic Ability 

 This law of attraction amplifier program will manifest and psychic ability you choose

psychic manifestationThis law of attraction amplifier product is used to help in the manifestation of psychic ability. You would listen to the harmonic patterns as you visualize using the psychic ability that you desire

Each suite lasts for 60 minutes. As you listen to the sound patterns you visualize your desires in complete detail. Each time you do this you are closer to manifesting your desires in reality.


  #8 - Third Eye Chakra Suite

 This 70 minute musical suite will stimulate the third eye chakra

Third Eye ChakraThis Chakra will increase your intuitive and perceptive ability with regular use.  It will allow you to perceive things before others and create an advantage.  It will increase your ability to use your will to influence an outcome.  It can help develop extra sensory perception.


  #9 - Gamma Max Mind Control

 This sound program  will allow you to influence others

Gamm Max Super Influence
Increase your ability to influence others
People will begin to act just by the power of your thoughts
Develop the powers of "Silent Command"
If you want to develop the ability change the behaviour of others
If you want to learn how to develop a magnetic personality and draw people to you

The Gamma Max Super Influencer will achieve all of these goals.





That's right, you get everything you see here . . . everything you need to turn your life into anything you want it to be.


The Total Psychic Development package would normally sell for over $150


But if you take advantage of this today, you won't pay anywhere near that.  You can get all 9 products for the amazing price of $10!








Why Not Add The Full Audio Crystal Therapy Series for an extra $10 

34 Audio Crystal Healing Music downloads designed to recreate the healing power of the crystal or mineral. The classic healing ability of crystal therapy has been recreated using the correct audible and sub audible frequencies. The energetic vibrations from the crystals can be used to re-align and direct the flow of energy within the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, returning them to a state of health and wholeness. 


The full series of Audio Crystal Therapy downloads can also help you to  remove negative vibrations, heal yourself, heal emotions after a bad relationship, help with stress and hormonal issues, help with addictions, help to energize, balance and heal the chakra, help with manifestation, help with melancholia and much , much more


So How Does These Products Work ? What makes them Absolutely Unique ?

The crystal/mineral structure and the human body both possess an energetic blueprint. Hence the energies of the body can both be balanced and healed through the introduction of the energetic vibration of a crystal or mineral to a body`s energy field. Using advanced scientific techniques we can identify and recreate the exact frequencies that each crystal and mineral uses to help heal the body.

Listening to these frequencies whilst relaxing can recreate the healing power of the crystal or mineral. The classic healing ability of crystal therapy has been recreated using the correct audible and sub audible frequencies. The energetic vibrations from the crystals can be used to re-align and direct the flow of energy within the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, returning them to a state of health and wholeness.

No physical crystals or minerals are required for this technique to work but you can use them if you want to.

Beware: This Could Be The ONLY Time

You See This Offer!


First, take a look at the products you'll be able to download in this package 

  Audio Crystal Therapy #1 - Aegerine, Amazonite, Agate & Amber

 These Audio Crystal Therapy Frequencies can be used in any situation where you need to improve health, remove negative emotions and recover from bad relationships

agateUse Aegirine to take out any negative emotional hindrances and to allow positive personal characteristics, beliefs, judgement and theories to surface.

Use Amazonite for generally improving a person's good health. Helps in the regeneration and restoration of health after a serious illness, injury or traumatic experience. 

Use Agate to heal emotional bitterness, especially after bad relationships, and other tough situations people go through that may be very hard to forgive and let go

Use Amber for its many health qualities  By re-balancing the body, it can help with stress and hormonal issues.

All 34 of the Audio Crystal Therapy compositions in one download 



  Audio Crystal Therapy #2 - Amethyst, Apatite, Aquamarine & Aventurine

These  Audio Crystal Therapy Frequencies can be used for weight loss,  emotional balance,  overcoming grief and sorrow and balance  energy

apatiteUse Apatite to repress your appetite and aid in raising your metabolism. A good choice for those who have desires to lose weight

Amethyst is a particularly calming frequency and can therefore help with many emotional issues, particularly grief. It helps to balance a person, particularly emotionally and can help with behavioral issues such as addictions or compulsions.

Use Aquamarine to alleviate physical and mental issues. By illuminating the aura, it can relieve melancholia and sorrow. It helps people with memory problems, improving coherence in the mind on all aspects and levels and improves creativity.  Furthermore, it is also known to refine blood circulation

Use Aventurine to balance both the female and male energies within you despite your gender.

All 34 of the Audio Crystal Therapy compositions in one download 



  Audio Crystal Therapy #3 - Azurite, Bloodstone, Calcite & Carnelian

These  Audio Crystal Therapy Frequencies can be used to overcome ego, help with decisions and increase motivation

carnelianUse Azurite to reinstate a higher and clearer states of the mind, diminishing egocentric characteristics, banishing self-admiration and pompousness allowing you to become more willing to be versatile and flexible.

Use Bloodstone If you struggle or are fearful of making life decisions, this frequency will help you get through and take action. Bloodstone gives you confidence so you can conquer your challenges.

Use Calcite for spiritual growth and connection.Calcite frequencies can be used to bring about higher wisdom and knowledge on scenarios going on in the material world. This is why it is considered to be the acting bridge of consciousness.

Use Carnelian to increase motivation, vitality and creativity

All 34 of the Audio Crystal Therapy compositions in one download 



  Audio Crystal Therapy #4 - Celestite, Chlorite, Chrysocolla & Fluorite

These  Audio Crystal Therapy Frequencies can be used for improving sleep, increasing peace and calmness & for Healing

FluoriteUse Celestite for sleeping and dreaming. This is because it aids in recalling the entire dream in detail and clarity.

Chlorite works with the heart chakra, it enables you to focus and center your heart. It helps in regaining balance again after an emotional downfall.  Chlorite links to Earth energies to help ground emotional powers and stablize you.

Chrysocolla possesses several healing properties to bring about peace, calmness, patience, unconditional love, intuition and creativity.  On the physical side, it should help heal ulcers, cramps and ailments that affect the throat as well as to calm fevers and small burns.

Fluorite is often used as a purification or cleansing tool in healing rituals. It is also an excellent discernment tool that helps steer you clear of fraud or deception.

All 34 of the Audio Crystal Therapy compositions in one download 



  Audio Crystal Therapy #5 - Garnet, Gold, Hematite & Jade

These  Audio Crystal Therapy Frequencies can be used for depression, improving the brain  and helping with arthritis

JadeGarnet has strong associations with the thyroid and the spleen. It is thought to cleanse and purify both, especially when held in the hand over the affected organs. It can also be used to treat depression. 

Gold can improve the circulatory system and flow of blood as well as controlling chemical and hormonal imbalances in the body. This crystal is good for people who have degenerative illnesses like arthritis and diseases of the heart. It also improves the brain to work well and more systematically. 

Hematite is used in grounding higher energies. It is considered as a powerful frequency that helps to bridge the spiritual and physical planes. With its reputation for balancing subtle bodies, it can be used to impart soothing and calming feelings.

Jade boosts and highlights the positive characteristics of the holder while it holds back the negative ones like pressure, depression and other feelings.

All 34 of the Audio Crystal Therapy compositions in one download 



  Audio Crystal Therapy #6 - Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Magnesite & Malachite

These  Audio Crystal Therapy Frequencies can be used to protect from negative energy,  unblock energy channels & ease muscle pain

JasperJasper has the ability to absorb and clean the negative energy that surrounds a person and to keep them away from negative influences.  It also keeps the aura of the holder to be more at ease.

Lapis Lazuli calms and gets rid of any energy blockages. The restoration process mostly focuses on psychological problems. However, it can also have a positive effect on the physical body.

Magnesite can help with muscle pains and spasms and releasing general tension, including PMS.

Use Malachite to strengthen the immune system


All 34 of the Audio Crystal Therapy compositions in one download 



  Audio Crystal Therapy #7 - Moonstone, Onyx, Opal & Peridot

 These  Audio Crystal Therapy Frequencies can be used to develop psychic ability, alleviate stress and help with aging

PeridotMoonstone can assist in developing physic abilities like premonitions and ESP and clearing blockages of energy in the body.  It can also break patterns in behavior if it is detrimental to you.

Use Onyx to remove negative emotions like misery and distress.  It is beneficial in bringing in good fortune and developing a deeper personal strength.  Moreover, it brings equilibrium to the seven centers of energy – the seven chakras.

Use Opal to stir up your creativity, stimulate and uplift the spirits.

Use Peridot for bringing prosperity and joyfulness.  This crystal is also very useful for cellular rejuvenation and problems linked with aging.

All 34 of the Audio Crystal Therapy compositions in one download 




  Audio Crystal Therapy #8 - Rhodonite & Rose Quartz

 These  Audio Crystal Therapy Frequencies can be used to help make decisions and stimulate the heart chakra

RhodoniteUse Rhodonite for self-confidence, you will have a peaceful mind which will enable you to think of decisions, answers or solutions clearly in chaotic situations. It can empower your decision making process and help you become more disciplined in every path you pursue.  It decreases stress and gives a calming effect to the mind.

Rose Quartz can be used in order to help open up the heart chakra, allowing the person to more easily give and receive love. It can be a great aid to bring about forgiveness and compassion and to start to develop feelings of trust and hope.

All 34 of the Audio Crystal Therapy compositions in one download 



  Audio Crystal Therapy #9 - Ruby & Sapphire

 These  Audio Crystal Therapy Frequencies can be used to help reach goals and calm the mind

RubyRuby motivates leadership and manifests enthusiasm and dynamism for life.  You will find you are able to view your own capabilities and strength as well as motivate you to set and reach your practical goals.  Rubies also help to realise your creative potential.

Sapphire deals with removing stress, misery, undesirable ideas and uncertainty of the spiritual mind. Moreover, this sapphire frequency reinstates the stability within the body as it works hard to situate the spiritual, physical and mental inclinations. This then brings about tranquillity and calmness of the mind. Sapphire crystals can produce a lightness of the spirit and happiness.

All 34 of the Audio Crystal Therapy compositions in one download 





  Audio Crystal Therapy #10 - Serpentine and Turquoise

 These  Audio Crystal Therapy Frequencies can be used to stimulate kundalini and ease inflammation

TurquoiseSerpentine can be used when there are a lot of obstructions/blockages in chakras and dealing with stagnant energy within the body. However, it is universally acknowledged that Serpentine is more commonly known for its ability to activate the Kundalini.

Turquoise can be effective in regulating the production of stomach acids. It can help to improve your appetite and enhance the absorption of nutrients in food.. Joint problems and rheumatism may also be relieved using Turquoise, due to it anti-inflammatory properties.  It can also help with gouty arthritis and general body pain such as headaches and toochaches.

All 34 of the Audio Crystal Therapy compositions in one download 



That's right, you get everything you see here . . . everything you need to turn your life into anything you want it to be.



You can get all 34 products for the amazing price of $10!


That's less than $2 per download!  




But Remember . . . You Won't See This Special Offer Again!


This is a One Time Offer - that means once you leave this page, you won't see this offer again.  


To secure your copy of this package simply click on the button below.  





Why Not Add The Full Manifestation & Law of Attraction Series for an extra $10

19 Sensational downloads designed to manifest money, sex, love, happiness, psychic ability, artistic ability, spirituality, improvements in health - and much, much more


Did you know that the full series of IsoBinaural Manifestation, Isochiral and Magickal Focus downloads can also attract more sex, more love, better health, more artistic ability, more happiness increased psychic ability and increased spirituality 

  • Make cosmic ordering a reality
  • Manifest anything that you truly desire
  • The true magic of wishcraft
  • 100 times more powerful than goal setting
  • Fully guaranteed


So How Does These Products Work ? Why are they so different to all the other Law of Attraction and Manifestation products on the market ?

We selected a number of successful people. Some were materially successful, some were great healers or motivators, some seemed to have amazing power over the opposite sex. Others were great artists and others had a successful marriage and family life.

All the successful people had one thing in common. When they were focused and intent on their wish we saw similar brainwave patterns emerge again and again.

It seemed that the ability to manifest has a reproducible and re-creatable brain pattern. We have been able to recreate this pattern using brainwave harmonics and binaural induction.

Further research showed that the dominant pattern was similar but certain sub harmonics varied. There was a dominant sub harmonic for healing and a different one for manifesting material gain. There was yet another for sexual magnetism and another for psychic ability.

In all we discovered 7 sets of sub-harmonics that influenced material gain, sexual magnetism, healing, love, artistic ability, psychic ability and spirituality.

The 7 sets of sub-harmonics were superimposed on the basic manifestation pattern. It was found that combining the necessary sub harmonic with the dominant manifestation pattern, gave much faster and more consistent results than by using the dominant manifestation pattern alone. All 7 sub-harmonic/manifestation patterns are available for immediate download in this one time offer - you could be using the most incredible law of attraction programs in the next few minutes

Beware: This Could Be The ONLY Time

You See This Offer!


"I bought the full series about 3 months ago and things are just starting to happen. I won a video camera and a shopping spree. I have also just met someone who could be the one. Fingers crossed. Thanks again. KM, USA"

"I am impressed with these manifestation downloads. What can I say, I just got a raise     Alain, Montreal "

"I have bought many of your products in the past and just had to try this. As ever, your products really deliver. You have turned my health around and now my life !! I just got my dream job , with a car allowance, medical, pension, wow.  MT, California"

"Health manifestation is spot on. I am using it for remote healing and getting some positive effects  David, UK"

"Many thinks for the manifestation series. Things are hotting up - if you know what I mean. Also had a few wins on the horses and now off to Ibiza. Is it really this easy                             Mikey, Guildford "

"Very inspirational and relaxing. It helps with my writers block  Ronnie M, Mexico

"I am truly astonished. I worked with this for a couple of weeks and my health improved quite quickly. I had an eye tic for more than a year - I just willed it away in less than a week. The same with my tennis elbow - gone in less than a week. I feel a lot more confident too. Michelle Glass, UK"

"Awesome!!!!!! Peter Avis, London"


First, take a look at the products you'll be able to download in this package . 

  Download #1 - Material/Money Manifestation

  These 2 products would be used to facilitate material gain ( i.e. the increase in wealth and material goods in this plane of existence).

Examples would be increased wealth, more property, success in jobs and business, a better car, more holidays, successful gambling, etc , etc. You would listen to the harmonic patterns as you visualize your material desire.



  Download #2 - Sexual Manifestation

These 2 products would be used to develop a magnetic attraction from the person or persons you desire.

This is not about hypnotism or about love. It will provoke desire in others for sexual contact with you as you have visualized. This product will not increase your own sex drive or cure impotence. You would need the healing manifestation for that. You would listen to the harmonic patterns as you visualize your sexual desire. 



  Download #3 - Healing Manifestation

These 2 products can be used to heal yourself or others. It can be used to heal any living creature. 

This will work for all types of healing. You would listen to the harmonic patterns as you visualize health and removal of all disease. As you listen to the sound patterns you visualize your desires in complete detail. Each time you do this you are closer to manifesting your desires in reality



  Download #4 - Love Manifestation

These 2 products are used to manifest love in your life. This can be the love from an individual or from groups.

It can be used to rekindle love in a marriage or develop it in a family. You would listen to the harmonic patterns as you visualize the loving situations you desire. As you listen to the sound patterns you visualize your desires in complete detail. Each time you do this you are closer to manifesting your desires in reality. 



  Download #5 - Abstract Manifestation

These 2 products are used to help with abstract and artistic creation. This would include visual art, music, writing, poetry, etc.

It will also help with abstract concepts such as scientific theories. Be sure that you want to create for the sake of creation and not for material gain. If it is the latter, use material manifestation. As you listen to the sound patterns you visualize your desires in complete detail. Each time you do this you are closer to manifesting your desires in reality. 



  Download #6 - Psychic Manifestation

These 2 products are used to help in the manifestation of psychic ability.

You would listen to the harmonic patterns as you visualize using the psychic ability that you desire. As you listen to the sound patterns you visualize your desires in complete detail. Each time you do this youare closer to manifesting your desires in reality



  Download #7 - Spiritual Manifestation

 These 2 products are used for spiritual development. 

You would listen to the harmonic patterns as you visualize yourself achieving the spiritual development you desire. As you listen to the sound patterns you visualize your desires in complete detail. Each time you do this you are closer to manifesting your desires in reality.




  Download #8 - 3D & Original Mind Sync Magickal Focus 

 These 2 products are used for Magick

magick You listen to the Magickal Focus frequencies through headphones or on stereo speakers. You do this at the same time as you practice your spell or ritual. The frequencies help to focus your own vibration and resonance. The frequencies help to raise and direct the energy necessary to materialize your desired action.




  Download #9 - Isochiral  Incantations & Money Magnet

 These 2 products are used to Manifest Money 

incantations The music and frequencies help to focus your own vibration and resonance. They also help to raise and direct the energy necessary to materialize your desired action.

Accurately calibrated music synthesis software has been used to create the exact isochronic beat frequencies required to induce a money magnet mindset.



  Download #10 - Binaural Music Magick Ritual

 This product is used for Magick & Cosmic Influence. 

magickEverything has its own resonance.  If you know how a person resonates, you can influence that person.  If you know how an object resonates, you can influence that object.  If you know how any system resonates, you can influence that system. Listening to the Magick Ritual Binaural Music Suite will help you to tap into that resonance quickly and simply.  The process is very simple.  You listen to the Magickal Ritual music suite through headphones or on stereo speakers. You do this at the same time as you practice your spell or ritual.  The music and frequencies help to focus your own vibration and resonance.  They also help to raise and direct the energy necessary to materialize your desired action.



That's right, you get everything you see here . . . everything you need to turn your life into anything you want it to be.


This Manifestation package would normally sell for $169.95


But if you take advantage of this today, you won't pay anywhere near that.  You can get all 19 products for the amazing price of $10!







Why Not Add The Full 12 Levels of Meditation Series for an extra $40

Product Description

Level 12 - Excellent meditation for centering yourself and encouraging mental stability and clarity. Known to stimulate the throat/vishuddha chakra and in the body will heal the thyroid, lungs and vocal cords. This is also a great meditation for helping with learning and study

Level 11 -  Very Powerful for healing of body, mind/body unity, stimulating for the immunity, valuable in convalescence.   Excellent for relaxed alertness, contemplation. Can help to lower blood pressure and is beneficial for the whole circulatory system. Known to stimulate the heart/anahata chakra

Level 10 -This is a hugely beneficial meditation. Enhances the release of serotonin and is a great mood elevator, Can help with pain, hangovers and jet lag.
Good when trying to get information flow from the subconscious. Stimulates the solar plexus/manipura chakra. Helps to heal  the pancreas, stomach, gall bladder and liver

Level 9 - This meditation is associated with a non-drowsy but relaxed, tranquil state of consciousness, primarily with pleasant inward awareness; body/mind integration; amplifies dowsing, empty-mind states, detachment, daydreams, mind/body integration . Also used to help prostate problems

Level 8 - This meditation will stimulate ESP and helps with grounding. It can be used to treat jetlag and stress related conditions. It can initiate pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps  develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects)
Excellent for learning new information and positive thinking.
It is associated with sacral/swadhisthana chakra which influences the gonads and reproductive system. It will therefore have a beneficial effect on  relationships/sexuality.
This meditation helps a person feel they are satisfied so can be used to support diets, with alcohol abuse and other addictive behaviour

Level 7 - This meditation will enhance all types of manifestation and law of attraction processes. Is the basis of money magnetism . It is also used to help with sleep and insomnia.
Will increase awareness of self and purpose and very useful for guided meditation. Works well for all creative processes including art,  invention music, etc;
Helpful in allowing contact with spirit guides and channeling spirit guidance.Works extremely well in healing situations including reiki, pranic healing, auric healing and chi generation .
Tremendous for problem solving and alleviating confused thinking

Level 6 - This meditation is associated with an increase in psychic ability, astral projection and out of body activity.Can also be used to improve memory , focus and learning ability.
Reduces fear, anger and irritability. Also used to heal the stomach  

Level 5 - This meditation will improve long term memory. It will also reduce procrastination and a resistance to working. It will increase intuition and will help to heal the lungs.
Will encourage deeper sleep and lucid dreaming

Level 4 - Brilliant for problem solving and can be used to reduce the need for sleep.
Will also stimulate the release of endorphins so can be used to relieve pain
Can be used to heal the kidneys. Has been used to help with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Will also help with memory and learning

Level 3 - Increases a feeling of unity with everything. Enhances accelerated language retention.
Helps with childhood memories. Stimulates the Hara. Excellent for tension headaches.
Improves vision Can be used to help with depression and anxiety.
Stimulates DNA and the regeneration process Can be used to help with depression and anxiety.

Level 2 -  Best meditation for pain relief and endorphin release. Will also help with chronic fatigue.
Will stimulate the genitals so is beneficial for impotence. Can reduce cortisol and increase levels of
DHEA and melatonin

Level 1 - Best meditation for euphoria and feelings of well being.
Can stimulate the pituitary to release more growth hormone and can therefore be used for rejuvenation.
Can help hair to regrow and reverse grey hair. Will help develop muscles and heal injuries

That's right, you get everything you see here . . . everything you need to turn your life into anything you want it to be.


This Meditation package would normally sell for $134


But if you take advantage of this offer today, you won't pay anywhere near that.  You can get all 12 levels for the amazing add on price of $40!



Yes, I want to take advantage of this special offer and get all 9 of the Kundalini & Chakra Activation Programs + 30 Solfeggio Programs + 9 Psychic Development Programs + all 34 Audio Crystal Therapy Downloads + all 19 Manifestation Package Downloads + The 12 Levels of Meditation Series Immediately

I understand that this is a limited time offer, and if I leave this page without ordering, this offer will be gone forever.

You can get all these products for the amazing price of $97

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