Celestite, also known as Celestine, is named after its color – delicate blue. This crystal can be found mostly in sedimentary rocks. Celestites are very delicate and fragile which is why it should be handled very carefully. It should not be kept in clusters or placed in direct sunlight because its delicate color will soon fade.
This crystal has several healing powers. Celestite is known to be the teacher of the New Age because it links to the Angelic realms – which allows the free-flow of the Crown and Third Eye Chakras, including the Throat chakra when it comes to expression. Celestite is also known for producing calmness in the mind and peacefulness in the middle of any disorder. Celestites are also incredible as they enable the process of any traumatic experience to be healed.
This crystal is best for people who love to sing, artists and actors because it can reduce stage fright and boost self confidence – releasing tension and nervousness.
The stone can help with your every day living to set up harmony and peace.
Through the years, it has been proven that this crystal is a good companion in sleeping and dreaming. This is because it aids in recalling the entire dream in detail and clarity.
In terms of physical healing, Celestite is able to direct energy to specific organs – those which are of the higher chakras. The crystals help brain imbalances and mental dysfunctions, ailment and pains from the eyes, throat, nose and ears. Moreover, celestite can be your pain reliever and detoxifier by changing it with loving angelic light.
It is also good for facilitating deeper conditions of meditation and is able to elevate divine intuition, which makes Celestite perfect for practices with Reiki.