Posted on 2nd Feb 2021
Free Bonus Products - Scroll Down the Box For More - The Root Chakra Program & Codes are Further Down the Page
Click Here for the Full Chakra & Kundalini Activation Pack
You can save the root chakra program as an app on your desktop or laptop by pressing "ctrl" and "S". You can do this on a Mac by pressing"cmd" and "S"
For instructions on how to do this to your mobile device please click
The frequencies used to stimulate your root chakra are embedded in the music - click the video above to play. Listening to the music will help to open, heal, balance and energize your root chakra. With regular use you will feel huge benefits.
You can listen to the music with or without headphones. You can relax in a chair or lie down. You will even get benefit from playing it in the background while you do other things like exercising, working, watching TV or even sleeping....Click for more
Other Ways to Fix a Blocked Root Chakra
If you find yourself facing the same issues we spoke about earlier, do not fear - for a solution to your worries is here!
Ground Yourself
Stop whatever you are doing and step into your garden (or the park), without your shoes; the idea is to be close to the earth beneath your feet. You can choose to lay down on the ground, or walk around in the dirt/grass barefooted. Another good way to do this also to visualize roots extending from your feet to the centre of the earth.
Physical Exercise
Exercise of any form and kind is also an effective way to help with an unbalanced Root Chakra, whether it is yoga, jogging, football or just a simple walk - just get up and moving! Doing this will help activate stagnant root chakra energy within you.
Incorporate More Reds In Your Life
It can be your clothes, your house or the items you use. Since red is the colour of this particular chakra, engaging with the colour red will certainly help to balance this chakra.
Seek out a quiet, comfortable place and sit or lie down. Begin to visualize a glowing deep red light emanating from your Root Chakra, and feel the pulsation of its warm radiance. Watch (in your head) the light become a glowing sphere, and imagine a red four petaled lotus flower unfold - you may realize that you have trouble getting the sphere to spin or the flower to unfold itself, which is a sign of blockage. Keep breathing intent and energy into the chakra until the sphere can spin easily and freely. Proceed to send the energy of abundance throughout your entire body through the other chakras.
What you eat is what you are - this theory also holds true here. Consuming root vegetables as well as naturally red colored foods such as meat, apples, beetroot and tofu will certainly help balance out this chakra.
To download the music please go to and select the root chakra program and "add to cart"
Use the following code at check out to access the audio program for free - W5910CEU0
Click Here for the Full PDF of the Money Chakra Secrets E Book
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