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A Beginners Guide To Healing The Heart Chakra


The ability to love, be loved, and feel connected to others in the world is one of the most beautiful gifts provided by life. On the other hand, lack of love, connections, and ability to find beauty in the simplest things in life is no gift at all. In fact, many would agree that it can be a nightmare.

Life is not a path that’s meant to be walked alone. The greater our connections, self-love, love for others, and meaningful relationships are, the greater life will be.

Have you recently been feeling disconnected or somewhat like a lone wolf? It might have something to do with your heart chakra. The good news is that I’m about to tell you everything you need to know to heal your chakra, balance it, and bring yourself back to a world of love, compassion, connectedness, understanding, and happiness.

A man embraces his 4th chakra energy center


What Is The Heart Chakra?

First of all, let’s take a moment to go over exactly what the heart chakra is so that you can have a better understanding of how it can have such a large positive or negative impact on your life.

It is believed that every person has 7 main chakras within their body. Each one can be thought of as a swirling ball of energy or disc. These energy centers are responsible for providing energy to surrounding nerves, organs, bodily functions, and more. Ensuring that these energy centers remain opened and balanced is important when it comes to maintaining physical, emotional, psychological, and even spiritual health.

Each of the main chakras has their own set of responsibilities. The heart chakra , also known as anahata is responsible for providing our bodies with the energy and vibrations we need to express self-love, unconditional love for ourselves and others, the ability to develop connections, releasing limitations of the ego, bridging spiritual and earthly aspirations, forming meaningful relationships with others, and so much more.

In short, the anahata is what gives us our ability to connect, relate, give, receive, be open in relationships, and see the beautiful side of life. The important thing to keep in mind is that achieving any of these things with an unhealthy anahata can feel next to impossible.

People are often surprised when they learn that their energy centers can become damaged. Just as taking care of your body is essential to staying in good health, taking care of your chakras is essential when it comes to them functioning properly.

Is your heart chakra in need of healing? Keep reading to find out more.

A heart with the word love on it symbolizing the anahata.

Heart Chakra Symbol & Color

Each of the main chakras has a corresponding color and symbol. Each symbol is entirely unique from the others. The reason for this is so that the symbol may illustrate the purpose of the chakra.

The anahata’s symbol is traditionally composed of a 12 petaled circle containing two sets of triangles, one pointing upward and one pointing downward, that form a hexagram. These triangles meet in the middle to illustrate connectedness, union of opposite energies including but not limited to male energy, female energy, and spiritual energy. The illustration is also meant to depict harmony, connection of forces, and integration.

The corresponding color for this energy center is green. However, the twelve petals are often the color red. Oddly enough, this may be where the common thought of love being represented with a red heart originated from.

An illustration of the 4th chakra with 12 petals and two sets of triangles.

Blocked Vs. Overactive Heart Chakra: What's The Difference?

A person’s anahata can become unhealthy in more than one way. In fact, it can become underactive, overactive, and even unbalanced. Each of these forms of poor energy center health come with their own set of negative impacts.

The good news is that healing your heart chakra is entirely possible. You just need to know where to start. If you’re worried that you might be in need of healing but aren’t sure, you’re in the right place because we’re about to go over the most common signs of a blocked or overactive anahata.

 The most common signs of a blocked or underactive anahata include:
•    Shyness
•    Bottling Emotions
•    Trouble Making Commitments
•    Issues Letting Go Of The Past
•    Finding It Difficult To Trust Others
•    Constant Feelings Of Anxiety, Stress, Or Depression
•    Pushing Others Away
•    Lack Of Empathy
•    Loneliness
•    Inability To Forgive

A sad woman sits by a window suffering from an blocked anahata,

As you can see, this chakra is more than capable of causing serious complications in a person’s life when not in good health. However, the above examples only refer to what can happen when this energy center is underactive. Being overactive comes with its own set of negative impacts.

For example, an overactive anahata can lead to:
•    Feeling Jealous Of Others
•    Depending On Other People & Things For Fulfillment
•    The Constant Need To Seek Approval Or Acceptance From Others
•    Being Judgmental
•    Unreasonable Expectations For Others
•    Overly Defensiveness
•    Feeling The Need To Be The Savior For Others
•    Fear Of Intimacy
•    Becoming Anti-Social
•    Pleasing At All Costs/Codependency

These symptoms alone are enough to be a real eye opener when it comes to the importance of maintaining an open, balanced, and healthy anahata. Shockingly, there are even a few physical complications a person can experience when this energy center is not properly maintained such as lung infections, bronchitis, other respiratory ailments, and even heart related or circulatory system complications.

Ready to begin healing your anahata? Click here to access our free healing and activation program. Just hit play and listen, even while you’re doing other things. It’s really that simple!

The Basics On Healing Your Heart Chakra

If you thought “This sounds like me” while reading the symptoms above, it’s important to remember that the sooner you do something about it the better. You’ll be pleased to learn that heart chakra healing is something that can be done in a variety of ways.

Let’s take a deep dive into how exactly you can open, heal, and balance this energy center in the best ways possible.

A colorful painting of the anahata symbol.

Heart Chakra Opening & Balancing

As mentioned earlier, the anahata can be both under or underactive. It’s important to know whether your energy center is blocked or needs balancing before healing. If you aren’t sure, take another quick look at the list of symptoms above. Keep in mind, blocked or underactive chakras need to be opened while overactive ones need to be balanced.

With that being said, let’s jump into the best healing practices you can use to open and balance your anahata.

If your chakra is underactive, you should consider giving the following opening techniques a try.

Color Therapy - Opening the anahata can be as simple as incorporating the color green into your life as much as possible. This can be done by wearing green clothes, taking walks through nature, adding plants to the interior design of your home, or even finding ways to bring the color green with you to work such as decorations. How you incorporate the color green is not important. Making sure you do it is what matters the most so have fun and be creative with your ideas.

Green Food - You might be surprised to learn that you can eat your way to a healthier anahata. However, it’s important that you try to stick to specific foods that are green in color and healthy such as broccoli, salads, green apples, celery, peas, or even zucchini.

Visualizations - Visualizations are a powerful tool that can be used for a number of things including healing chakras. For the anahata, picture a green ball of swirling energy entering your chest and then imagine that ball energizing your chakra allowing it to open.

A swirling ball of green energy.

To balance the anahata, you may want to consider some of the following techniques.

Practice Self-Love - The more love you show yourself the more balanced your anahata will become. Make a routine of letting yourself know that you matter. Make sure to be patient and understanding with yourself as this may be uncomfortable in the beginning.

Affirmations - Positive affirmations is one of the most effective ways to maintain balance in your energy centers. Make sure you keep your affirmations relevant to love, compassion, and connectedness. For example, use affirmations such as “I deserve love from myself and others”, “I am able to forgive myself and others”, “The past has no control over me now”, “I will allow myself to live in a state of love and gratefulness”.

Heart Chakra Healing Exercises

Exercising is another great technique that can be used to heal, open, and balance chakras. It’s important to know which exercises to use for each of the chakras. The easiest way to ensure you are sending the right vibrations and energy to a particular chakra is with specific, targeted yoga poses.

To heal the anahata, the best yoga poses to use are typically:
•    Upward Facing Dog Pose
•    Bow Pose
•    Wheel Pose
•    Half Camel Pose
•    Warrior 1 Pose

Physical activity is another great way to activate and heal this chakra. There are several exercises that are quite effective. The exercises can range from anything from swimming, to pushups, lifting weights, and everything between. The important part is to target your pectoral area.

A woman does pushups in order to heal the 4th chakra.

Make It Simple With The Best Heart Chakra Meditation

You might be thinking that this all sounds like a lot and maybe it’s not as easy to heal this energy center as you initially thought it was, but I have a little surprise for you!

What if I were to tell you that there was a way to skip the hassle of visualizations, never ending affirmations, changes in diet, countless yoga sessions, and strenuous physical exercise that actually provides even better results with almost no effort required on your part?

Well, there is, and I know it might sound too good to be true but give me one minute to explain how it’s all possible thanks to our healing and activation program.

Think of it as the world’s most powerful chakra healing meditation that requires really no meditation at all. Since our chakras are made of energy, they can be influenced with energy and frequencies. After a great deal of research we’ve been able to create a proven meditation program that uses the exact frequency needed to effortlessly open, heal, and balance your anahata.

When I say effortlessly, that’s exactly what I mean. Believe it or not, this program can be used passively while you do other things including reading, sleeping, working, going about your daily errands, or even while you watch TV. In other words, it’s not the traditional meditation that requires years of practice or tremendous amounts of patience. It couldn’t be simpler!

I know this all sounds a little too good to be true and your skepticism might have just hit an all time high and that’s exactly why we are giving our program away for free.

Our goal is simply to help people live the best life possible…

The life they deserve…

A life full of love, compassion, and connections…

The life that is rightfully theirs and we believe our program can help.

You have nothing to lose but so much to gain from taking advantage of this opportunity. Click here to download your free healing and activation program or click on the image below now!

A silhouette sits on the floor while doing a healing meditation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where Is The Heart Chakra Located?

This chakra is located within the chest in close proximity to the heart. When taking the location of the anahata into consideration, it’s really no surprise that this energy center governs our ability to love others and ourselves, show compassion, be empathetic, and see the brighter side of life.

What Is The Heart Chakra Responsible For?

When functioning properly, the anahata serves as our center for empathy, compassion, connectedness, love for others and ourselves, and forgiveness.

What Blocks The Heart Chakra?

Anahata blockages can manifest in a number of ways. Typically speaking, the main causes tend to be emotional pain and trauma, negative life experiences, hurtful memories from the past, changes in environment, high levels of stress or anxiety, as well as overthinking certain situations.

What Does A Blocked Heart Chakra Feel Like?

The easiest ways to spot a blocked anahata are feelings of loneliness, shyness, lack of trust, low self-confidence, inability to show self-love, trouble loving others, lack of empathy, holding onto the past, being judgmental, bottling emotions, and feeling distant or isolated.

How Can I Heal My Heart Chakra?

The anahata can be healed with a wide variety of techniques. The most common tend to be color therapy, the use of affirmations, reiki healing, vibrational sound therapy, and yoga. However, these techniques can be complicated, expensive, and time consuming. Undoubtedly, the simplest and most effective method is anahata healing meditations.