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Click the button below to add the All 9 of the Kundalini & Chakra Activation Programs + 10 Isochiral Meditation Programs + All 34 Audio Crystal Therapy Programs + The Full Life & Brain Improvement Subliminal Packs + All 55 Original Mind Sync Programs + All 26 Gamma Max Programs to your wish list.

All 9 of the Kundalini & Chakra Activation Programs + 10 Isochiral Meditation Programs + All 34 Audio Crystal Therapy Programs + The Full Life & Brain Improvement Subliminal Packs + All 55 Original Mind Sync Programs + All 26 Gamma Max Programs

  • All 9 of the Kundalini & Chakra Activation Programs + 10 Isochiral Meditation Programs + All 34 Audio Crystal Therapy Programs + The Full Life & Brain Improvement Subliminal Packs + All 55 Original Mind Sync Programs + All 26 Gamma Max Programs

Product Description

The Full Isochiral Meditation Super Pack!

10 Isochiral Meditations in 1 Pack for - Arriving at careful, sound, and deliberate decisions,  Acquiring empowering beliefs while getting rid of disempowering ones, Comprehending your own thought processes, emotions, and actions, Remaining centered on what’s most important while tuning out distractions - and Establishing an accurate and effective model of reality.

This Offer Is Only Guaranteed For Right Now . . .
Once You Leave This Page, It Is Gone Forever!

What are the real advantages of becoming more conscious? Why would anybody like to do this? And what the heck does it even mean to raise your consciousness anyhow?

Although raising your consciousness will enhance your spiritual development, this isn’t truly a spiritual issue at the core. It’s truly about real and true mental development and taking control of your mind.


If you’d like an easy way to boost your consciousness in many different areas with audio and brainwave entrainment, you’ll love this..

So How Do These Products Work? Why are they so different than all the other
Meditation products on the market?

i) Iso is derived from isochronic beats which is the brainwave entrainment beat technology the music is based upon.


ii) Chiral is a term derived from the Ancient Greek for "handedness". It can be used to define the spin direction of a sub atomic particle (ie left handed spin of a quark or neutrino is left handed chirality). 


The frequency patterns used are a combination of alpha, theta, delta and gamma harmonic frequencies. This changes the electrical activity in the brain to match the musical pattern (this is the basic theory of brainwave entrainment and frequency following). 


Once the correct electrical patterns are set up in the brain it will start to influence the chirality of the sub atomic particles in the immediate vicinity; either within the body or outside of it. 


This phenomenon allows us to repeat the many benefits of brainwave entrainment at will; and with minimal practice. 
The Isochiral Music programme works by harnessing the power of sound frequency in order to stimulate specific parts of the brain under altered states of consciousness. The calibrated software enables the audio files to target various levels of brain function and has been linked to triggering a natural supply of the DHEA hormone. This hormone has been linked to an anabolic process which encourages cell growth and repair. There is also scientific evidence that Isochiral Music helps to relax the mind and makes it easier for listeners to enter a calm, meditative state.


All you need to do is play the specially coded music on your mp3 player or other music device and listen... that's it... it really is that simple. You could be getting the benefits in minutes.

Beware: This Could Be The ONLY Time You See This Offer!

First, take a look at the products you'll be able to download in this package

Alpha Meditation

This type of brainwave activity is classically associated with zen meditation, visualization, memory, learning enhancement & Silva training. 

Theta Meditation

This type of brainwave activity is classically associated with astral projection, remote viewing, past life regression work and psychic activity.

Delta Meditation

This type of brainwave activity is classically associated with shamanic trance, samadhi and clear light meditation & is beneficial for fatigue.

Epsilon Meditation

The epsilon wave is an advanced research brainwave harmonic. The wave has been reported in hands on healing and shamanic trance states.

Gamma Peak State 

Causes a complete shift in consciousness with a sustainable peak of brainwave activity at 40 Hz. Gamma Peak State is commonly observed in meditating Tibetan monks.

Deep Meditation

Accurately calibrated music synthesis software has been used to create the exact isochronic beat frequencies required to induce deep meditation.

Nirvana Meditation

Accurately calibrated music synthesis software has been used to create the exact isochronic beat frequencies required to induce the nirvanic state.

Om Meditation

The OM harmonic is actually a frequency very close to the basic vibrational frequency of the Earth. You can recite your own mantra over the top.


Third Eye Meditation

The third eye meditation will increase your intuitive and perceptive ability with regular use. This creates the exact isochronic beat frequencies required to stimulate the third eye.

Shaman Meditation

This is an advanced meditation. Using theta and delta/epsilon entrainment causes most people to sleep. Maintaining a very deep sleep/awake state is the key to success with this program.


That's right, you get everything you see here . . . everything you need to turn your life into anything you want it to be.

This Meditation package would normally sell for $99.95  
But if you take advantage of this offer today, you won't pay anywhere near that. You can get all 10 products for the amazing price of $17!

But Remember . . . You Won't See This Special Offer Again!

This is a One Time Offer - that means once you leave this page, you won't see this offer again.


To secure your copy of this package simply click on the button below.

Yes, I want to take advantage of this special offer and get all 10 Meditation Programs Immediately.

I understand that this is a limited time offer, and if I leave this page without ordering, this offer will be gone forever.

You can get all 10 Meditation products for the amazing
price of $17

After you place your order, you will be redirected directly to the download page.

Why Not Add The Full Chakra & Kundalini Series for $10 more

9 Chakra & Kundalini Music downloads designed to heal, balance and energize the chakras and to stimulate kundalini safely. No meditation experience necessary. No headphones required. This is a plug and play system that can be used whatever else you are doing.

This Offer Is Only Guaranteed For Right Now . . .
Once You Leave This Page, It Is Gone Forever!

The full series of Chakra & Kundalini musical compositions are available to ensure the brainwave and chakra energy patterns are tuned to exactly the right frequencies. The way the music works makes sure this happens very quickly. The chakra will then start to resonate in harmony with the dominant frequency in the brain. This stimulation will clear any blockages in that particular chakra allowing energy to flow more easily through the energy pathways. This attunes and energizes the chakra in a natural way. Each time you listen to the specific chakra vibration within the music - that chakra is stimulated and strengthened.

So How Do These Products Work? What Makes Them Absolutely Unique?

Each Chakra has an associated vibration. These vibrations correspond to specific frequencies produced by the brain. We have incorporated each chakra vibration into a 70 minute blissful musical composition.

The method of incorporation combines several techniques, including: brainwave entrainment using binaural beats, brainwave entrainment using isochronic beats and frequency following techniques.


This unique combination of techniques absolutely ensures the brainwave and chakra energy patterns are tuned to exactly the right frequencies. The way the music works makes sure this happens very quickly. The chakra will then start to resonate in harmony with the dominant frequency in the brain. This stimulation will clear any blockages in that particular chakra allowing energy to flow more easily through the energy pathways. This attunes and energizes the chakra in a natural way. Each time you listen to the specific chakra vibration within the music - that chakra is stimulated and strengthened.


Each piece of music is 70 minutes in length. After 10 minutes the frequencies change within the music and we set up a new dominant electrical frequency in the brain. This stimulates the next chakra in the same way as the first. You will not hear the music change as the frequencies are fully integrated into each note and sound of the music. We repeat this process for all 7 chakras; working, in sequence, from root to crown.


You can use the chakra frequency music set whilst you are doing other things (reading, studying, working out, watching TV, sleeping, etc) because the chakras are indirectly stimulated by frequencies in the beta (normal alert and awake state) range - so there is no need for quietness or meditative states to get the best out of this product. Unlike many other binaural beat products the beats or frequencies are not simply embedded or masked by the music. The binaural harmonics are themselves incorporated into each note of the musical composition. This is an original and innovative approach which ensures maximum effectiveness. The isochronic component works alongside the binaural beats which means that you can listen to the chakra music anywhere; you do not need headphones to get the benefits.


This music is ideal to use personally, during therapies or with groups, especially if you run a yoga or meditation group.

Beware: This Could Be The ONLY Time You See This Offer!

First, take a look at the products you'll be able to download in this package

The Full Chakra Suite

This 70 minute musical suite will stimulate and tune each chakra in sequence

The Full Kundalini Suite

This 70 minute musical
suite will stimulate the kundalini safely

Root Chakra Suite

This 70 minute musical
suite will stimulate the root chakra safely

Sacral Chakra Suite

This 70 minute musical
suite will stimulate the sacral chakra safely

Solar Plexus Chakra Suite

This 70 minute musical
suite will stimulate the solar plexus chakra safely

Heart Chakra Suite

This 70 minute musical
suite will stimulate the heart chakra safely

Throat Chakra Suite

This 70 minute musical
suite will stimulate the throat chakra safely

Third Eye Chakra Suite

This 70 minute musical
suite will stimulate the third eye chakra safely

Crown Chakra Suite

This 70 minute musical
suite will stimulate the crown chakra safely

That's right, you get everything you see here . . . everything you need to turn your life into anything you want it to be.

The Total Chakra & Kundalini Music package would normally sell for over $150   
But if you take advantage of this today, you won't pay anywhere near that. You can get all 9 products for an additional $10!  
That's less than $2 per download! 
But Remember . . . You Won't See This Special Offer Again!!

This is a One Time Offer - that means once you leave this page, you won't see this offer again.


To secure your copy of this package simply click on the button below.

Yes, I want to take advantage of this special offer and get all 10 Isochiral Meditations + 9 of the Kundalini & Chakra Activation Programs Immediately.

I understand that this is a limited time offer, and if I leave this page without ordering, this offer will be gone forever.

You can get all 30 Solfeggio programs
+ 9 Chakra Activation & Kundalini Programs for
the amazing price of $27

After you place your order, you will be redirected directly to the download page.

Why Not Add The Full Audio Crystal Therapy Series for an extra $10

34 Audio Crystal Healing Music downloads designed to recreate the healing power of the crystal or mineral. The classic healing ability of crystal therapy has been recreated using the correct audible and sub audible frequencies. The energetic vibrations from the crystals can
be used to re-align and direct the flow of energy within the physical, emotional, mental,
and spiritual bodies, returning them to a state of health and wholeness.

The full series of Audio Crystal Therapy downloads can also help you to remove negative vibrations, heal yourself, heal emotions after a bad relationship, help with stress and hormonal issues, help with addictions, help to energize, balance and heal the chakra, help with manifestation, help with melancholia and much , much more

So How Do These Products Work? What Makes Them Absolutely Unique?

The crystal/mineral structure and the human body both possess an energetic blueprint. Hence the energies of the body can both be balanced and healed through the introduction of the energetic vibration of a crystal or mineral to a body`s energy field. Using advanced scientific techniques we can identify and recreate the exact frequencies that each crystal and mineral uses to help heal the body.

Listening to these frequencies whilst relaxing can recreate the healing power of the crystal or mineral. The classic healing ability of crystal therapy has been recreated using the correct audible and sub audible frequencies. The energetic vibrations from the crystals can be used to re-align and direct the flow of energy within the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, returning them to a state of health and wholeness.


No physical crystals or minerals are required for this technique to work but you can use them if you want to.

Beware: This Could Be The ONLY Time You See This Offer!

First, take a look at the products you'll be able to download in this package

Aegerine, Amazonite, Agate & Amber

Used to improve health, remove negative emotions
and recover from bad relationships.

Amethyst, Apatite, Aquamarine & Aventurine

Used for weight loss, emotional balance, overcoming grief and sorrow and balancing energy.

Azurite, Bloodstone, Calcite & Carnelian

Used to overcome
ego, help with decisions and increase motivation.

Celestite, Chlorite, Chrysocolla & Fluorite

Used for improving sleep, increasing peace and calmness & for Healing.

Garnet, Gold, Hematite
& Jade

Used for depression,
improving the brain and
helping with arthritis.

Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Magnesite & Malachite

Used to protect from
negative energy, unblock energy channels & ease
muscle pain.

Moonstone, Onyx, Opal
& Peridot

Used to develop psychic
ability, alleviate stress and help with aging.

Rhodonite & Rose

Used to help make
decisions and stimulate the heart chakra.


Ruby & Sapphire

Used to help reach
goals and calm the

Serpentine and Turquoise

Used to stimulate
kundalini and ease inflammation.


That's right, you get everything you see here . . . everything you need to turn your life into anything you want it to be.

You can get all 34 products for the amazing price of $10!   
That's less than $2 per download! 
But Remember . . . You Won't See This Special Offer Again!!

This is a One Time Offer - that means once you leave this page, you won't see this offer again.


Why Not Add The Full Life Improvement Subliminal Value Pack for an extra $10

12 Amazing Subliminal Programs - each containing multiple backward command downloads designed for positive feelings, make every day great and stop self-sabotage, stop procrastinating, peak performance, high self-esteem, life improvement, confidence, and more. No headphones required. This is a plug and play system that can be used
whatever else you are doing.

- At last an incredible new way to get the benefit from using subliminals.

- A subliminal method that has proven to be successful time and time again.
- An amazing combination of the 3D Mind Sync Hypnotic Technique® and the scientifically proven Backward Command Subliminal Process™.
- Make changes in your life quickly, effectively and permanently.
- These programs are effective with or without headphones, in any environment, even while watching TV, in the gym, or while you sleep.
- Don't just think about being a better person any longer...just do it!


Subliminal Suggestion


The successful use of subliminal suggestion has been established for many years. The subliminal suggestion builds in the subconscious over a period of time to encourage the user to change their behaviour or improve their performance. Success rates are very high.
Backward Command


The use of the Backward Command Subliminal Process™ has been shown to accelerate the change process. It is believed that the part of the brain that deciphers Backward Command has the ability to bypass the logical filtering process. Therefore the Backward Command subliminal suggestion can pass through to the subconscious unchallenged.


3D Mind Sync Hypnotic Induction Technique®


The Hypnotic Induction program incorporates 3 levels of brainwave entrainment which guarantees that your brain frequency is locked in to the correct level to accept the subliminal commands. The combined technique has been shown to be significantly more effective than using conventional subliminal suggestion alone.
How Does it Work?
All of our downloads contain a guided induction to a deep hypnotic trance state. This is used in conjunction with the 3D Mind Sync Hypnotic Induction Suite®. When you have reached a deep hypnotic trance state you will begin to hear relevant subliminal suggestion in conventional form and in Backward Command form. You will hear affirmations spoken clearly in English. This affirmation is also played in reverse. There are no hidden subliminals. The subliminal effect is created by the Backward Command process.


Each download is 40 minutes long and can be used in any environment (but not whilst driving or operating machinery). You can have these products playing in the background while you sleep if you like. The message is building in the subconscious all the time.

Beware: This Could Be The ONLY Time You See This Offer!

First, take a look at the products you'll be able to download in this package

Look For The Positives In Life

Don't wait to Look for
the Positives in Life any longer...just do it!

Make Every Day A Great Day

Don't wait to Make Every
Day Happy any longer...just
do it!

Release The Past

Don't wait to Release
the Past any longer...just
do it!

Stop Negative Self-Sabotage

Don't wait to Stop
Negative Self-Sabotage any longer...just do it!

Stop Procrastinating

Don't wait to Stop Procrastinating any longer...just do it!

Constant Peak Performance

Don't wait to Get
Constant Peak Performance any longer...just do it!

Get High Self-Esteem

Don't wait to Get
High Self-Esteem any longer...
just do it!

Get Motivated

Don't wait to Get
Motivated any longer...
just do it!

Get Stronger Will Power

Don't wait to Get
Stronger Will Power any longer... just do it!

Improve Quality of Life

Don't wait to Improve
Quality of Life any longer...
just do it!

Get a Strong Belief in Myself

Don't wait to Get
Strong Belief in Yourself
any longer...just do it!

Confidence & Self-Assurance

Don't wait to Get Confidence and Self-Assurance any longer...just do it!

That's right, you get everything you see here . . . everything you need to turn your life into anything you want it to be.

You can get all 12 products for the amazing price of $10!   
That's less than $2 per download! 
But Remember . . . You Won't See This Special Offer Again!!

This is a One Time Offer - that means once you leave this page, you won't see this offer again.



Why Not Add The Full Brain Improvement Subliminal Value Pack for an extra $10

17 Amazing Subliminal Programs - each containing multiple backward command downloads designed for increasing IQ, total mind power, improving logic, improving memory, developing creative thinking, improved concentration and more. No headphones required. This is a plug and play system that can be used
whatever else you are doing.


- At last an incredible new way to get the benefit from using subliminals.

- A subliminal method that has proven to be successful time and time again.
- An amazing combination of the 3D Mind Sync Hypnotic Technique® and the scientifically proven Backward Command Subliminal Process™.
- Make changes in your life quickly, effectively and permanently.
- These programs are effective with or without headphones, in any environment, even while watching TV, in the gym, or while you sleep.
- Don't just think about being a better person any longer...just do it!


Subliminal Suggestion


The successful use of subliminal suggestion has been established for many years. The subliminal suggestion builds in the subconscious over a period of time to encourage the user to change their behaviour or improve their performance. Success rates are very high.
Backward Command


The use of the Backward Command Subliminal Process™ has been shown to accelerate the change process. It is believed that the part of the brain that deciphers Backward Command has the ability to bypass the logical filtering process. Therefore the Backward Command subliminal suggestion can pass through to the subconscious unchallenged.


3D Mind Sync Hypnotic Induction Technique®


The Hypnotic Induction program incorporates 3 levels of brainwave entrainment which guarantees that your brain frequency is locked in to the correct level to accept the subliminal commands. The combined technique has been shown to be significantly more effective than using conventional subliminal suggestion alone.
How Does it Work?
All of our downloads contain a guided induction to a deep hypnotic trance state. This is used in conjunction with the 3D Mind Sync Hypnotic Induction Suite®. When you have reached a deep hypnotic trance state you will begin to hear relevant subliminal suggestion in conventional form and in Backward Command form. You will hear affirmations spoken clearly in English. This affirmation is also played in reverse. There are no hidden subliminals. The subliminal effect is created by the Backward Command process.


Each download is 40 minutes long and can be used in any environment (but not whilst driving or operating machinery). You can have these products playing in the background while you sleep if you like. The message is building in the subconscious all the time.


Beware: This Could Be The ONLY Time You See This Offer!


First, take a look at the products you'll be able to download in this package


Increase IQ

Don't wait to Increase
IQ any longer...just
do it!


Remember What You Learn

Don't wait to Remember
New Learning any longer...
just do it!


Use Mathematics In Life

Don't wait to Use
Mathematics in Everyday Life any longer...just do it!


Constant Peak Performance

Don't wait to Get
Constant Peak Performance any longer...just do it!


Get Stronger Will Power

Don't wait to Get Stronger
Will Power any longer...
just do it!


Get Total Mind Power

Don't wait to Get Total
Mind Power any longer...
just do it!


Improve Logic

Don't wait to Improve
Logic any longer...just
do it!


Improve Memory

Don't wait to Improve
Memory any longer...just
do it!


Get A Quick Mind

Don't wait to Get a Quick
Mind any longer...just
do it!


Improve Spelling

Don't wait to Get a Remarkable Level of Spelling any longer...just do it!


Become Extremely Intelligent

Don't wait to Be an
Extremely Intelligent Person any longer...just do it!


Be Good At School

Don't wait to Be a
Competent Learner any longer...just do it!


Concentrate Extremely Well

Don't wait to Concentrate Extremely Well any longer...just do it!


Develop Amazing Memory

Don't wait to Remember Things Quickly any longer...
just do it!


Develop Creative Thinking

Don't wait to Get
Creative Thinking any longer...just do it!


Do Well In Exams

Don't wait to Do Well
in Exams any longer...
just do it!


Enhance Your Memory

Don't wait to Enhance
Your Memory any longer...
just do it!


That's right, you get everything you see here . . . everything you need to turn your life into anything you want it to be.

You can get all 17 products for the amazing price of $10!   
That's less than $1 per download! 


Why Not Add The Full Mind Sync Series for an extra $40

55 Sensational downloads including 46 Mind Sync Brainwave Harmonics. and 9 Neuro Harmonic Conditioning Programs. This is a plug and play system that can be used
whatever else you are doing.

This Offer Is Only Guaranteed For Right Now . . .
Once You Leave This Page, It Is Gone Forever!

The full series of Mind Sync downloads can help you with:

• Altered states of consciousness in 8 minutes

• Chakra Tuning & Chakra Balancing in Minutes
• Learn the Secret of Programming a Lucid Dream every night
• Develop your Natural Psychic Ability & Clairvoyance
• Listen to Your Spirit or Angel Guides
• Learn Remote Viewing & Telepathy
• Improve Your Memory
• Learn the 7 Secret Frequencies of the Law of Attraction
• Increase your Learning Ability
• Meditate deeper than you ever thought possible
• See glimpses of the future
• Conquer insomnia and sleep less while feeling more refreshed
• Increase your chi energy and feel truly energized
• Increase your IQ
• See your Past Lives
• Power Nap at will
• & Much , Much More

So How Do These Products Work? Why are they so different to all the other Brainwave Entrainment products on the market?

Mind Sync brainwave harmonics make use of binaural technology to produce very specific combinations of frequencies in the brain.

These frequency combinations work like a key or a software program to unlock a specific function in the brain.
Scientists thought for many years that psychic phenomena were associated with particular brain states and particularly theta and alpha states. The reason why psi was so sporadic was that the correct brainwave combinations seemed to be produced randomly
Mind Sync used that information to experiment with different, specific combinations of frequencies and to lock the brain into those frequencies using entrainment or frequency following.


Single binaural frequencies will most certainly work to make you more relaxed, increase your ability to learn, improve your memory and in many cases reduce your need for sleep.
The correct multiple programmed frequencies will provide very specific extrasensory effects - you could be using these incredible brainwave harmonics programs in the next few minutes!

Beware: This Could Be The ONLY Time You See This Offer!

First, take a look at the products you'll be able to download in this package


Download Pack #1

The full series of
Mind Sync Brainwave Harmonics.

Download Pack #2

The full series of Mind
Sync Neuro Harmonic Conditioning.


Reviews For This Package

Check out our extensive positive reviews for the Full Mind Sync Series!

That's right, you get everything you see here . . . everything you need to turn your life into anything you want it to be.

The Full Mind Sync Series package would normally sell for $299   
But if you take advantage of this today, you won't pay anywhere near that. You can get all 55 products for the amazing
price of $40!

Why Not Add 24 Gamma Max Titles For for an extra $50

24 Sensational downloads designed to help with astasl travel, cell regeneration, controlling anger, healing, fertility, impotence, endorphin release, mental projection, increased awareness - and much, much more

An Amazing new breakthrough in meditation and life hack technology!

- Cutting Edge Research develops stunning new brainwave downloads
- Get complete control over 100% of your brains activity using Gamma Max technology


A gamma brain wave is a pattern of neural oscillation in humans with a frequency between 25 to 100 Hz. We have been able to accurately create these frequencies in the laboratory and test their safety and usefulness over a number of years.


We have found a number of profound effects that can be derived from listening to gamma brainwave frequencies. The frequencies are effective with or without a musical background. The frequencies are also effective with or without the use of headphones.


The gamma max compositions are even effective while you are asleep, quietly in the background while watching TV or when working out in the gym

So How Do These Products Work? 

Accurately calibrated music synthesis software has been used to create the exact frequencies required to induce different Gamma states .

Experimenting through the whole range of gamma waves (from 25 - 100 Hz) it was found that certain combinations of frequencies consistently caused a complete shift in brainwave activity.
This phenomenon allows us to repeat the many benefits of gamma entrainment at will; and with minimal practice.
All you need to do is play the specially coded music on your mp3 player or other music device and listen.....that's it....it really is that simple .....you could be getting the benefits in minutes!
All the products are available immediately...


Enhanced Consciousness in Minutes - No Headphones Required

Beware: This Could Be The ONLY Time You See This Offer!

First, take a look at the products you'll be able to download in this package

Astral Travel

The gamma max frequencies induce astral travel states in a totally new and novel way.

Cell Regeneration

Use the special frequencies
in the music to stimulate at a cellular level.

Control Anger

Use these frequencies
to increase your ability to control anger states.

Fat Blaster

Use the special frequencies
in the music to stimulate the pancreas.

Fixing Lower Back

Use the special frequencies
in the music to stimulate the lower back and help it to heal.


This gamma max composition will help strengthen the hara and enhance awareness.

HGH Endorphin

Use the special frequencies in the music to stimulate the pituitary to release more HGH.

Impotence Cure

It has never been easier
to cure impotence (erectile dysfunction).

Increase Fertility

Use the special frequencies
in the music to stimulate the ovaries or testicles.

Increase Sensitivity

Increase your sensitivity, your ability to love and the power of all your senses. 


Unique Musical Composition incorporating Potent kundalini stimulating frequencies.

Legal High

This musical composition
is trippy... it's legal ...and
it WILL get you high.

Mega Intelligence

Increase your intelligence as well as your performance in exams and tests.

Mental Projection

This program will help you to clearly visualize and manifest everything that you desire.

Problem Solver

Increase your ability
to solve problems by a
factor of 10.

Psi Power

Increase your psychic power and ability. Develop stronger senses and intuition

Relieve Depression

Use the special frequencies
in the music to balance the levels of serotonin.

Sinus Treatment

Use the special frequencies
in the music to help calm the sinuses.

Speed Learning

Learn faster, study longer and retain more of the information you learn.

Stomach Repair

Special frequencies that stimulate the stomach to help digestion and healing.

Super Energy

Energy Increased in Minutes.
Enhance your creativity or confidence in 20 minutes.

Super Focus

Increase your ability to concentrate by a factor of 10
Stay focused on any task.

Super Influence

Increase your ability to influence others and Develop "Silent Command".

Tinnitus Treatment

Use the special frequencies
in the music to stimulate the sensory apparatus of the ears.

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