Posted on 20th Feb 2023
The New Year gives us a wonderful opportunity to renew our minds and look ahead with hope. This year, why not use the chakras to balance your mental, physical, and spiritual health?
Can you feel the opportunity to have your energy shifting and energy centers aligning?
Rejuvenate your body with a 7-Day Chakra Reset and unlock the captivating power of Nature's sacred tokens. Feel more connected to yourself, balanced in body, mind and spirit. Awakens feelings of personal alignment resulting in an outpouring of creativity, motivation and joy! Experience complete harmony in just 7 days.
With the easy exercises here and the Chakra Suite audios, this powerful reset will help you uncover and unleash your potential. Take charge of your life and create the life you want to live with this groundbreaking reset. these easy-to-follow yet powerful steps can help you feel energized and empowered. Find balance in energy, eliminate roadblocks, and open yourself up to a world of possibility - all in just seven days!
Even if you don't have prior knowledge about these energy centers, this plan will get your started and help you achieve the things you’ve dreamed of! it's designed to help you understand how to use your spiritual energy in the best way possible. Together, let’s make this the best year yet.
Each Chakra has an associated vibration. These vibrations correspond to specific frequencies produced by the brain. We have incorporated each chakra vibration into a 70 minute blissful musical composition.
The method of incorporation combines several techniques, including: brainwave entrainment using binaural beats, brainwave entrainment using isochronic beats and frequency following techniques.
Then as you do the following exercises, pair them with the corresponding Chakra Suite audio for enhanced results easily!
Let's kick today off with some grounding energy! Sit on the floor or in a chair and bring your awareness to the base of your spine. Take five full breaths – inhales and exhales – squeezing your sphincter muscle as you do. Once finished, take a few minutes after doing this practice to bask in its calming effects. (Use the Root Chakra audio)
Now let's tap into our potent sexual and creative energy connected to this chakra just below the navel. While sitting comfortably, repeat the mantra “vam” 108 times. Afterwards, take a few moments to sense into your energy, then decide where you want to direct it; make sure that it's an intention that brings you joy! (Use the Sacral Chakra audio)
Feel energized from within by taking four rounds of Kapalabhati rapid diaphragmatic breathing. Kapalabhati breathing can help to activate Manipura, the energy source for your digestive system. (Use the Solar Plexus Chakra audio)
Bring a hand up to your heart. This is the center where you experience emotions such as gratitude and empathy. For 10 minutes focus on channeling positivity in with each inhale and releasing any negative energy with each exhale - and feel how lightness takes over once you’re done. (Use the Heart Chakra audio)
This is associated with your speech and metabolism. Today, we'll be using breathwork to awaken this energy center and both open up your communications outwardly, as well as foster better partnerships with our inner selves. Inhale deeply, bringing your chin down, feeling the pressure in your throat. Hold for a few moments before you exhale. Repeat five to seven times — notice how vibrant it makes you feel, as well as how much more open and free you become afterwards! (Use the Throat Chakra audio)
Take a few deep breaths and raise your gaze to the center of your eyebrows. Keep your gaze relaxed but steady for 3–5 minutes as you keep breathing in and out slowly. Close your eyes to take a break, then come back and do this again until you experience the power of enhanced awareness. (Use the Third Eye Chakra audio)
Find a comfortable seated position with spine erect, then start focusing on your lowest chakra at the base of the spine. Breathe into that energy before shifting towards Svadisthana Chakra and noticing how powerful sexuality is in manifesting creativity. Move forward to Manipura Chakra at the navel area and allow yourself to connect deeply with Mother Earth's energy before going ahead with further exploration of this chakral pathway! (Use the Crown Chakra audio)
Observe your body and mind from a non-judgmental standpoint each of these days. As you continue to use these energy-enhancing techniques along with the audios, it will become easier to let go of old concerns about yourself. You'll feel much more energized, positive and optimistic. With that renewed energy, setting new, lofty goals can seem effortless - and you may find that you reach those goals with greater ease than before.