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Enhance Memory (Isochiral Music)

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Product Description

Memory is the ability of our brains to retain the things we have learned. We can all identify occasions when we cannot recall things which we should know.

You can improve your short term memory. This will allow you to remember numbered sequences, equations, shopping lists, etc for the time it takes to complete the task. You may or may not remember the information the next time you use it.

You can also improve the more enduring long term memory. This can be anything from remembered scenes from childhood to languages and scientific data


How Does it Work?

It has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt that short and long term memory can be improved by listening to isochronic music in the alpha range.

A specific isochronic frequency in the alpha range has been identified as the most potent contributor to improving memory from test to test.

This frequency has been incorporated in the improve memory isochiral music suite.

The improvement in memory can be rapid, consistent and permanent.


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